Sunday, May 9, 2010

the first is always akward~


my first blog was a bit akward.

like, who makes a blog about their annoying brother first...RevEngE!

anyway, thanks ianna for ur comments!

yah... ur the first, and my only viewer so's a bit dissapointing though, but who said that someone will read ur blogs and become a fan, right? i mean. it's not like fanfic.

SOOooo, i'll tell u something about Me!

i absolutely love drawing, watching tv, surfing the net...umm...did i metion drawing?

yah...(ahem)back to the topic,

i draw anime, nature and all sorts of stuff. i can have some pretty crappy artworks sometimes, but i also have A LOT of AMAZING pieces!!... if i have inspiration that is.

Inspiration for me, only comes ONCE a day. FOR ME, okey. u might not say that it's the same for u, but i notice it's schedule on-i- somehow.

(the first drawing: WOOOOOOOW!! the second drawing, at the same day: umm...-walks away towards failure corner)

(and yes, i have a failure corner in which i, sitting -on the floor-at the same time staring at the wall...figuritively speaking of course...either banging my head on it or just leaning on it)

-> okkkeyyy...that's weird. But i calm myself down if i think of my failure corner. about 1 minute in the FC(failure corner), and i'm bright as sunshine. well, if it's just a failed quiz u know. But if it's unbearable, i actually reinact THE failure corner. In my room for privacy, and yah, i also am conscious of people.

(a certain person if she/he saw me; in other words; imagine ur name right here): uhhh...wat r u doing??...

i panicked, then looked towards u.

andy: ha~ha~ha, i was just, u know~ sleepping~uh~ha~ (note: ha~ha~ha <-these are akward laughs, not insane laughs)

-u- : sleeping?? on the floor?? in a corner??

u raised a brow...<-i know wat that means; it means u think i'm weird....hmm... scratch that .... u have some sort of sickness that makes u raise ur eyebrows. haha~anyway~ andy: uhhh...u want to join me??~ (inner -andy-: niceee..!)

-u-: thank you....

then u walked away not saying another word with an expression of-weirded out-


WAIT!! that's boring, let's change what u said and did. >:)

-u-: uhhmmm...YES! i absolutely WANT to join u!!

there u go!

then u sat next to me, offered me popcorn and we both stared at the wall...(scratch that)

then u sat next to me, offered me MONEY (*ahem, about 10,000 dollars-or-so-) and we both WATCHED PG 18-SCARY- MOVIES at the large TV screen in front of us!


okkeyyy... i'm turning crazy now...

but this blog is more fun to type than my first one though!!

which also means... people, listen up...REVENGE SUCKS!!

my bro didn't even see the last blog...

and so, i just wasted my time typing it for 5 hours straight, getting stressed that the DAMN internet might go -no connection- for the rest of the day. So it was like TYPE FOR UR LIFE OR DIE AT A TIME LIMIT.... ~hehe, yah. it's sorta like that.


Don't worry, i learned my lesson...



(mysteriously, somebody hit me from behind)

andy :owwwwww!! Hey!!! who the hell hit me!!??

i said holding the bruised part of my head. then looked behind to find the culprit.

andy : HAH!?!?! can't be....!!?! own.....FINGERS!!?!?!?

fingers (figuritively speaking; in other words, a random, faceless guy, with a shirt that says "fingers") : Yah! i'm ur fingers!! and DON'T U DARE overwork us AGAIN!!!

shouted "fingers" while threatining me with a large hammer!

(so fingers can actually shout at u now??!?!?!?)

andy : ye....yes sir....!!~

i am obviously frightened....
who wouldn't be....


Okeyyyyy...that was ummm....uhhh....wait...

there's no word to describe it right now, but downright WEIRD!

Like this!! ----------->>>

->i know, it's astonishing...but this pic is how i feel right now about my fingers!! They freakin' MUTATED!!!!

they talk, they carry hammers...and heck. i wouldn't be suprised if they have jobs!

and yah. Their "job" is to keep typing blogs/stories and etc. for you all!

.... >.< ....


i haven't told u everything about me yet!!!

oh well..... (sigh)

i'll just have to end it here....

or else -A CERTAIN SOMEBODY- will hit me again...

*looks quickly behind with my fist forming the karate chop

actually expecting "SOMEONE" to hit me

mmmm.....i looked towards the left, then the right, very jumpy at the moment.


(going back to normal, not defensive me)

BYE!!!~for now!! :)))) *then waves towards uhhh...ur monitor....


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